
"Jesus said to the people who believed in him, 'You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'" John 8:31-32 NLT

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Thoughts for the Day

Fences make good neighbors because they are boundaries, not barriers. Setting personal boundaries is as important as setting physical ones. Establishing appropriate personal boundaries will help you protect yourself from being unfaithful to Christ's teachings and failing to become all he has designed you to be.

This week we will discuss boundaries and how they can make a difference in our life.

Consider This . . .

One key is to set boundaries that will protect and respect your needs. As you set godly boundaries, you can more clearly see situations or even people who may hinder your growth in Christ.

In establishing appropriate boundaries, you will develop levels of trust. For example, you may trust a particular friend to cut your hair but not to babysit your children. Or you may trust a friend in church to babysit your child but not to give you financial advice. You may sing in the choir with a friend but find a need to establish boundaries that will not permit you to be alone with that person.

Here are some sample boundaries:

I will not allow myself to be alone with certain people.

I will walk in accountability with a mature Christian mentor.

I will learn to say no.

Are there areas in life where you feel out of control? It may be an issue of priorities. Perhaps you feel pulled in many directions. Prayerfully set some boundaries. Learn to say no. Or maybe you have drifted into a sinful habit. Or are struggling with an addiction. Set godly boundaries.

Remember . . . Godly boundaries help you stay faithful to Jesus and bring freedom.

Living Free Every Day is a ministry of

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