Baca: Psalm 81:8, 11, 13 NLT (Suggested reading: Psalm

"Listen to me, O my people, while I give you stern warnings. O Israel, if you would only listen to me! ... But no, my people wouldn't listen. ... Oh, that my people would listen to me!" ( Psalm 81:8, 11, 13 NLT (Suggested reading: Psalm ) 81:8-14)

Bacaan tahunan: Judges 12-14

Thoughts for Today
In today's passage, God is lamenting the fact that no one is listening. You can almost feel the sadness in his heart as he speaks these words. He pleads with his people: Please listen to me!
These words were directed toward Israel, but God wants all of his children to listen. Jesus said, "My sheep listen to my voice." (John 10:27 NIV)
Consider this ...
Have you ever been involved in a "conversation" with a person who never gives you a chance to say a word? Frustrating, isn't it? But sadly, this is what we so often do when we pray. We do all the talking and expect God to do all the listening!
God wants us to talk to him. And he listens. The psalmist expressed it well: "He has never wandered off to do his own thing; he has been right there, listening." (Psalm 22:24 MSG) God listens to us, and he wants us to listen to him. In our prayer time ... and throughout the day.
Are you listening?

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