
"Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others." Colossians 3:13 NLT

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Thoughts for the Day

Have you experienced a setback or disappointment in your life? If so, have you been able to move on, or is your life still plagued by the pain?
Perhaps you were hurt badly by someone close to you. You may have experienced abuse as a child or the betrayal of a spouse in later years. Whatever form your trauma took, it involved another person.
This week we will be discussing forgiveness. Bitterness and anger toward the one who hurt you can destroy your happiness and peace. God wants to prosper you and give you hope for the future, but unforgiveness can serve as a stone wall, blocking your ability to experience the freedom he has for you.

Consider This . . .

If healing is to take place, it is vital that you are honest with yourself ... and with God. Forgiveness requires facing the truth.If you are harboring resentment and bitterness, ask God to help you forgive. To forgive means to turn loose, to let go, to release. Let go of the anger. Let go of the unforgiveness. Let go of the hurt and shame. Be willing to forgive-even though the individual may not deserve your forgiveness-just as Christ forgives us, even though we don't deserve it. It's called grace.What better time than now to let go of past grievances and begin to experience the fullness of God's freedom? This kind of forgiveness is not easy. Don't try to do it alone. God loves you and he will help you.

Living Free Every Day is a ministry of livingfree.org

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